Spray-Net - Franchise

Quick Summary

Spray-Net is the home-improvement franchise that's changing the way homeowners renovate. Our innovative exterior painting, kitchen cabinet painting, and roof re-granuling solutions provide our franchisees with enormous revenue potential! In just one day, we deliver a permanent, factory finish with a 15-year, no-peel warranty. Spray-Net is the most cost-effective way to modernize a home and boost property value and its patented paint solution is your competitive advantage. See more info below.

*Please contact "Spray-Net" to confirm the accuracy of any information provided on this page.

Business Cost, Fees & Facts for 2024

Year Founded 2010
# of Existing Units 100
Training & Support Yes
Military/Veteran Promotion Yes
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Available In These States:

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Spray-Net - Franchise

Spray-Net IS home renovation and transformation. This is not standard house painting.

Spray-Net IS a proprietary line of industrial strength coatings and a patented application process. This is not ladders, brushes and buckets.

Spray-Net IS a revolutionary process that can renovate interior and exterior surfaces and sidings. This is not a seasonal business with one revenue stream.

Spray-Net IS a patented, guaranteed factory finish quality and look. This is not a DIY or conventional look.

Spray-Net IS an investment with immediate returns in curb appeal and property value. This is not an expense for the homeowner.

Spray-Net IS a simple, scalable franchise model backed by validation! This is not a complicated franchise.

Spray-Net IS a quick start-up, quick to break even, and incredible returns. This is not years to profitability.

Thanks to its patented weather-adjustable paint process and proprietary chemistry, Spray-Net delivers a factory finish on kitchen cabinets, aluminum and vinyl siding, stucco, brick and even surfaces that aren't traditionally painted on-site, like front and garage doors and windows. Spray-Net also has solutions for re-granuling asphalt shingled roofs. Our business model results in a service that was not previously possible and a no-brainer for property owners. In just one day, we deliver a permanent, factory finish with a 15-year, no-peel warranty.

A service that offers the speed and affordability of painting with the benefits of replacing. The economics work because we’ve cut out all the middlemen and go from formulation of our proprietary coatings all the way to the application using our specialized equipment and patented processes. Our custom chemistry, coupled with the economies of scale of the franchise business model allows us to deploy a service that offers an excellent ROI to property owners and, as a result, our franchise partners.

  • Renovate, don't replace! Provides factory finish at fraction of the cost to replace.
  • Unique service. Proprietary chemistry and patented processes.
  • 60%+ margin = pay our employees better
  • All business run on customized intranet for optimal business scalability.
  • Above and beyond support! 5 Coaches, 4 ramp up trainers and over 60 hours of on-site training!
  • Large and experienced support team of 30+ corporate employees

More reasons on why to franchise with Spray-Net

  • No competition - our coatings are proprietary, and several are patented
  • High average job size & gross margins
  • Low investment & overhead - no office space
  • 7 Revenue streams with industry disrupting technology for roofs, exterior surfaces, and kitchen cabinets

Our Ideal Franchise Partner
We are looking for someone who believes in our concept, is sales and customer service-oriented, and displays strong leadership skills to build and lead a team. You don’t need a background in painting or home improvement. Our franchise partners come from a variety of backgrounds, and we’re excited to welcome franchisees from many different professions to our company.

Request information to learn more about franchise ownership with Spray-Net today!

Military & Veteran Promotions

Spray-Net provides qualified veterans 10% off the first territory franchise fee.


“The product & brand have a very strong value proposition & early feedback from consumers in my market is extremely positive. I believe in the product, technology, vision & leadership of the franchise. That’s what separated Spray-Net from other concepts.”DALE TOMALIN - Spray-Net Southern Wisconsin
“I looked at dozen franchises. Spray-Net had a product that pops. When you see it, you just want it on your house! To find a franchise opportunity close to home & to operate within an exploding real estate market made it too good to pass up.”KYLER GREGORY Spray-Net Dallas East - Spray-Net Dallas East
“The main reason I chose Spray-Net was the strategic advantage of being equipped with proprietary products. The fact that we franchisees work with coatings that are exclusive to Spray-Net really allows us to deliver a product & service to homeowners that no one else can!”KYLE JOHNSON - Spray-Net South Jersey

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