Soccer Stars - Franchise

Quick Summary

Combine your passion for children with profitability! Soccer Stars Owners are generating $1.4M in Average Revenue and $635K in Net Operating Income*!

*Please contact "Soccer Stars" to confirm the accuracy of any information provided on this page.

Soccer Stars
Business Cost, Fees & Facts for 2024

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  • Overview

Soccer Stars - Franchise

About Soccer Stars 

Backed by Youth Athletes United, one of the country's largest youth sports franchise platforms, Soccer Stars is the largest corporately run youth soccer program in the U.S.! 

Our mission is to positively impact children through soccer. We focus not only on the game but also on building self-confidence, enhancing gross motor skills, honing socialization skills, and developing physical literacy. 

With the Soccer Stars franchise model, Owners run a 100% mobile, turnkey business that allows them a quick ramp-up time and fast breakeven. 

Our model has minimal fixed expenses and minimal employees required, keeping your margins and revenue numbers extremely healthy, especially since it only costs $72K to start. 

Whether you’re planning to be an Owner-Operator or hire a General Manager to run the day-to-day of your Soccer Stars business, you will enjoy all the fulfillment of enhancing children’s lives in your community and earn impressive returns while doing so! 

Why Choose Soccer Stars 

Incredible ROI Potential: With an investment starting at just $72K, Soccer Stars Franchise Owners are showing an Average Total Revenue of $1,432,614 and $635,523 in Net Operating Income – that’s a 44% margin!*

100% Mobile Model: As a Soccer Stars Owner, you won’t need to deal with the hassle of lease negotiations because you’ll never need a brick-and-mortar location. You can host classes anywhere (parks, daycares, preschools, churches, gyms), lowering your initial expenses and making your business an integral part of the community. 

Minimal Employees Needed: The beauty of the Soccer Stars model is that there is no set number of employees needed. You can start your business with just one employee or get started by yourself and hire additional coaches as you grow. 

Proven Model: Our business launched in 2000, so our model has been tested and perfected for over 20+ years. Plus, as part of Youth Athletes United, one of the country's largest youth sports franchise platforms, you’ll get access to an experienced support team and proven operations, technology, and marketing. 

*Refer to 2023 Franchise Disclosure Document Item 19 – Table 1 

Training & Support 


Our onboarding program combines classroom and on-the-job training to ensure you feel comfortable and confident in launching your business. The training program will include, but is not limited to: 

  • Strategic Development 
  • Curriculum 
  • Employee Training 
  • Sales 
  • Marketing 
  • Staff Admin 
  • CRM 

Ongoing Support 

You will receive world-class support from members of our corporate team, who run Soccer Stars franchise locations themselves! Support includes: 

  • Building Your Go-To-Market Strategy 
  • Weekly Strategy Meetings 
  • Business Success Coach 
  • Quarterly Town Halls 
  • Regional Summits 
  • Annual Conference

Ideal Candidate 

No Soccer Experience Required: You don’t have to be a pro soccer player or have soccer experience to be an Owner. Our current Owners come from various backgrounds, including corporate professionals, stay-at-home parents, and more. 

Passion For Impacting Communities: While Soccer Stars is a profitable opportunity, we want our Owners to also be motivated by making a difference in children’s lives and the direct impact they have on their communities. 

Team Player Mentality: Teamwork is essential to being a successful Soccer Stars Owner. By being a team player, you can rely not only on help from the franchisor support team and fellow franchisees in the system but your employees, too. 

Outgoing: If you are a people person and treat every level of communication and interaction purposefully, Soccer Stars could be the right franchise for you.

Thank You for Your Interest in this Franchise Opportunity!

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